last edited: 2025-02-20 19:55:20 +0000
Implementing a directory controller is very similar to the L1 cache
controller, except using a different state machine table. The state
machine fore the directory can be found in Table 8.2 in Sorin et al.
Since things are mostly similar to the L1 cache, this section mostly
just discusses a few more SLICC details and a few differences between
directory controllers and cache controllers. Let’s dive straight in and
start modifying a new file
machine(MachineType:Directory, "Directory protocol")
DirectoryMemory * directory;
Cycles toMemLatency := 1;
MessageBuffer *forwardToCache, network="To", virtual_network="1",
MessageBuffer *responseToCache, network="To", virtual_network="2",
MessageBuffer *requestFromCache, network="From", virtual_network="0",
MessageBuffer *responseFromCache, network="From", virtual_network="2",
MessageBuffer *requestToMemory;
MessageBuffer *responseFromMemory;
. . .
First, there are two parameter to this directory controller,
and a toMemLatency
. The DirectoryMemory
is a
little weird. It is allocated at initialization time such that it can
cover all of physical memory, like a complete directory not a
directory cache. I.e., there are pointers in the DirectoryMemory
object for every 64-byte block in physical memory. However, the actual
entries (as defined below) are lazily created via getDirEntry()
. We’ll
see more details about DirectoryMemory
Next, is the toMemLatency
parameter. This will be used in the
function when enqueuing requests to model the directory
latency. We didn’t use a parameter for this in the L1 cache, but it is
simple to make the controller latency parameterized. This parameter
defaults to 1 cycle. It is not required to set a default here. The
default is propagated to the generated SimObject description file as the
default to the SimObject parameter.
Next, we have the message buffers for the directory. Importantly, these need to have the same virtual network numbers as the message buffers in the L1 cache. These virtual network numbers are how the Ruby network directs messages between controllers.
There is also two more special message buffers: requestToMemory
and responseFromMemory
This is similar to the mandatoryQueue
, except instead of being like a
responder port for CPUs it is like a requestor port. The responseFromMemory
and requestToMemory
buffers will deliver responses sent across the the memory port and send requests across the memory port, as we will see below in the action section.
After the parameters and message buffers, we need to declare all of the states, events, and other local structures.
state_declaration(State, desc="Directory states",
default="Directory_State_I") {
// Stable states.
// NOTE: These are "cache-centric" states like in Sorin et al.
// However, The access permissions are memory-centric.
I, AccessPermission:Read_Write, desc="Invalid in the caches.";
S, AccessPermission:Read_Only, desc="At least one cache has the blk";
M, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="A cache has the block in M";
// Transient states
S_D, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Moving to S, but need data";
// Waiting for data from memory
S_m, AccessPermission:Read_Write, desc="In S waiting for mem";
M_m, AccessPermission:Read_Write, desc="Moving to M waiting for mem";
// Waiting for write-ack from memory
MI_m, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Moving to I waiting for ack";
SS_m, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Moving to I waiting for ack";
enumeration(Event, desc="Directory events") {
// Data requests from the cache
GetS, desc="Request for read-only data from cache";
GetM, desc="Request for read-write data from cache";
// Writeback requests from the cache
PutSNotLast, desc="PutS and the block has other sharers";
PutSLast, desc="PutS and the block has no other sharers";
PutMOwner, desc="Dirty data writeback from the owner";
PutMNonOwner, desc="Dirty data writeback from non-owner";
// Cache responses
Data, desc="Response to fwd request with data";
// From Memory
MemData, desc="Data from memory";
MemAck, desc="Ack from memory that write is complete";
structure(Entry, desc="...", interface="AbstractCacheEntry", main="false") {
State DirState, desc="Directory state";
NetDest Sharers, desc="Sharers for this block";
NetDest Owner, desc="Owner of this block";
In the state_declaration
we define a default. For many things in SLICC
you can specify a default. However, this default must use the C++ name
(mangled SLICC name). For the state below you have to use the controller
name and the name we use for states. In this case, since the name of the
machine is “Directory” the name for “I” is “Directory”+”State” (for the
name of the structure)+”I”.
Note that the permissions in the directory are “memory-centric”. Whereas, all of the states are cache centric as in Sorin et al.
In the Entry
definition for the directory, we use a NetDest for both
the sharers and the owner. This makes sense for the sharers, since we
want a full bitvector for all L1 caches that may be sharing the block.
The reason we also use a NetDest
for the owner is to simply copy the
structure into the message we send as a response as shown below.D
Note that we add one extra parameter to the Entry
declaration: main="false"
This extra parameter tells the replacement policy that this Entry
is special and should be ignored.
In the DirectoryMemory
we are tracking all of the backing memory locations, so there is no need for a replacement policy.
In this implementation, we use a few more transient states than in Table 8.2 in Sorin et al. to deal with the fact that the memory latency in unknown. In Sorin et al., the authors assume that the directory state and memory data is stored together in main-memory to simplify the protocol. Similarly, we also include new actions: the responses from memory.
Next, we have the functions that need to overridden and declared. The
function getDirectoryEntry
either returns the valid directory entry,
or, if it hasn’t been allocated yet, this allocates the entry.
Implementing it this way may save some host memory since this is lazily
Tick clockEdge();
Entry getDirectoryEntry(Addr addr), return_by_pointer = "yes" {
Entry dir_entry := static_cast(Entry, "pointer", directory[addr]);
if (is_invalid(dir_entry)) {
// This first time we see this address allocate an entry for it.
dir_entry := static_cast(Entry, "pointer",
directory.allocate(addr, new Entry));
return dir_entry;
State getState(Addr addr) {
if (directory.isPresent(addr)) {
return getDirectoryEntry(addr).DirState;
} else {
return State:I;
void setState(Addr addr, State state) {
if (directory.isPresent(addr)) {
if (state == State:M) {
DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Owner %s\n", getDirectoryEntry(addr).Owner);
assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Owner.count() == 1);
assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Sharers.count() == 0);
getDirectoryEntry(addr).DirState := state;
if (state == State:I) {
assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Owner.count() == 0);
assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Sharers.count() == 0);
AccessPermission getAccessPermission(Addr addr) {
if (directory.isPresent(addr)) {
Entry e := getDirectoryEntry(addr);
return Directory_State_to_permission(e.DirState);
} else {
return AccessPermission:NotPresent;
void setAccessPermission(Addr addr, State state) {
if (directory.isPresent(addr)) {
Entry e := getDirectoryEntry(addr);
void functionalRead(Addr addr, Packet *pkt) {
int functionalWrite(Addr addr, Packet *pkt) {
if (functionalMemoryWrite(pkt)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
Next, we need to implement the ports for the cache. First we specify the
and then the in_port
code blocks. The only difference
between the in_port
in the directory and in the L1 cache is that the
directory does not have a TBE or cache entry. Thus, we do not pass
either into the trigger
out_port(forward_out, RequestMsg, forwardToCache);
out_port(response_out, ResponseMsg, responseToCache);
in_port(memQueue_in, MemoryMsg, responseFromMemory) {
if (memQueue_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
peek(memQueue_in, MemoryMsg) {
if (in_msg.Type == MemoryRequestType:MEMORY_READ) {
trigger(Event:MemData, in_msg.addr);
} else if (in_msg.Type == MemoryRequestType:MEMORY_WB) {
trigger(Event:MemAck, in_msg.addr);
} else {
error("Invalid message");
in_port(response_in, ResponseMsg, responseFromCache) {
if (response_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
peek(response_in, ResponseMsg) {
if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:Data) {
trigger(Event:Data, in_msg.addr);
} else {
error("Unexpected message type.");
in_port(request_in, RequestMsg, requestFromCache) {
if (request_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
peek(request_in, RequestMsg) {
Entry e := getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.addr);
if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GetS) {
trigger(Event:GetS, in_msg.addr);
} else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GetM) {
trigger(Event:GetM, in_msg.addr);
} else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:PutS) {
// If there is only a single sharer (i.e., the requestor)
if (e.Sharers.count() == 1) {
trigger(Event:PutSLast, in_msg.addr);
} else {
trigger(Event:PutSNotLast, in_msg.addr);
} else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:PutM) {
if (e.Owner.isElement(in_msg.Requestor)) {
trigger(Event:PutMOwner, in_msg.addr);
} else {
trigger(Event:PutMNonOwner, in_msg.addr);
} else {
error("Unexpected message type.");
The next part of the state machine file is the actions.
First, we define actions for sending memory reads and writes.
For this, we will use the special memQueue_out
port that we defined above.
If we enqueue
messages on this port, they will be translated into “normal” gem5 PacketPtr
s and sent across the memory port defined in the configuration.
We will see how to connect this port in the
configuration section <MSI-config-section>. Note that we need two
different actions to send data to memory for both requests and responses
since there are two different message buffers (virtual networks) that
data might arrive on.
action(sendMemRead, "r", desc="Send a memory read request") {
peek(request_in, RequestMsg) {
enqueue(memQueue_out, MemoryMsg, toMemLatency) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := MemoryRequestType:MEMORY_READ;
out_msg.Sender := in_msg.Requestor;
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Request_Control;
out_msg.Len := 0;
action(sendDataToMem, "w", desc="Write data to memory") {
peek(request_in, RequestMsg) {
DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Writing memory for %#x\n", address);
DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Writing %s\n", in_msg.DataBlk);
enqueue(memQueue_out, MemoryMsg, toMemLatency) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := MemoryRequestType:MEMORY_WB;
out_msg.Sender := in_msg.Requestor;
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Data;
out_msg.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk;
out_msg.Len := 0;
action(sendRespDataToMem, "rw", desc="Write data to memory from resp") {
peek(response_in, ResponseMsg) {
DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Writing memory for %#x\n", address);
DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Writing %s\n", in_msg.DataBlk);
enqueue(memQueue_out, MemoryMsg, toMemLatency) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := MemoryRequestType:MEMORY_WB;
out_msg.Sender := in_msg.Sender;
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Data;
out_msg.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk;
out_msg.Len := 0;
In this code, we also see the last way to add debug information to SLICC
protocols: DPRINTF
. This is exactly the same as a DPRINTF
in gem5,
except in SLICC only the RubySlicc
debug flag is available.
Next, we specify actions to update the sharers and owner of a particular block.
action(addReqToSharers, "aS", desc="Add requestor to sharer list") {
peek(request_in, RequestMsg) {
action(setOwner, "sO", desc="Set the owner") {
peek(request_in, RequestMsg) {
action(addOwnerToSharers, "oS", desc="Add the owner to sharers") {
Entry e := getDirectoryEntry(address);
assert(e.Owner.count() == 1);
action(removeReqFromSharers, "rS", desc="Remove requestor from sharers") {
peek(request_in, RequestMsg) {
action(clearSharers, "cS", desc="Clear the sharer list") {
action(clearOwner, "cO", desc="Clear the owner") {
The next set of actions send invalidates and forward requests to caches that the directory cannot deal with alone.
action(sendInvToSharers, "i", desc="Send invalidate to all sharers") {
peek(request_in, RequestMsg) {
enqueue(forward_out, RequestMsg, 1) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:Inv;
out_msg.Requestor := in_msg.Requestor;
out_msg.Destination := getDirectoryEntry(address).Sharers;
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
action(sendFwdGetS, "fS", desc="Send forward getS to owner") {
assert(getDirectoryEntry(address).Owner.count() == 1);
peek(request_in, RequestMsg) {
enqueue(forward_out, RequestMsg, 1) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GetS;
out_msg.Requestor := in_msg.Requestor;
out_msg.Destination := getDirectoryEntry(address).Owner;
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
action(sendFwdGetM, "fM", desc="Send forward getM to owner") {
assert(getDirectoryEntry(address).Owner.count() == 1);
peek(request_in, RequestMsg) {
enqueue(forward_out, RequestMsg, 1) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GetM;
out_msg.Requestor := in_msg.Requestor;
out_msg.Destination := getDirectoryEntry(address).Owner;
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
Now we have responses from the directory. Here we are peeking into the
special buffer responseFromMemory
. You can find the definition of
in src/mem/protocol/
action(sendDataToReq, "d", desc="Send data from memory to requestor. May need to send sharer number, too") {
peek(memQueue_in, MemoryMsg) {
enqueue(response_out, ResponseMsg, 1) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:Data;
out_msg.Sender := machineID;
out_msg.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk;
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data;
Entry e := getDirectoryEntry(address);
// Only need to include acks if we are the owner.
if (e.Owner.isElement(in_msg.OriginalRequestorMachId)) {
out_msg.Acks := e.Sharers.count();
} else {
out_msg.Acks := 0;
assert(out_msg.Acks >= 0);
action(sendPutAck, "a", desc="Send the put ack") {
peek(request_in, RequestMsg) {
enqueue(forward_out, RequestMsg, 1) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:PutAck;
out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
Then, we have the queue management and stall actions.
action(popResponseQueue, "pR", desc="Pop the response queue") {
action(popRequestQueue, "pQ", desc="Pop the request queue") {
action(popMemQueue, "pM", desc="Pop the memory queue") {
action(stall, "z", desc="Stall the incoming request") {
// Do nothing.
Finally, we have the transition section of the state machine file. These mostly come from Table 8.2 in Sorin et al., but there are some extra transitions to deal with the unknown memory latency.
transition({I, S}, GetS, S_m) {
transition(I, {PutSNotLast, PutSLast, PutMNonOwner}) {
transition(S_m, MemData, S) {
transition(I, GetM, M_m) {
transition(M_m, MemData, M) {
clearSharers; // NOTE: This isn't *required* in some cases.
transition(S, GetM, M_m) {
transition({S, S_D, SS_m, S_m}, {PutSNotLast, PutMNonOwner}) {
transition(S, PutSLast, I) {
transition(M, GetS, S_D) {
transition(M, GetM) {
transition({M, M_m, MI_m}, {PutSNotLast, PutSLast, PutMNonOwner}) {
transition(M, PutMOwner, MI_m) {
transition(MI_m, MemAck, I) {
transition(S_D, {GetS, GetM}) {
transition(S_D, PutSLast) {
transition(S_D, Data, SS_m) {
transition(SS_m, MemAck, S) {
// If we get another request for a block that's waiting on memory,
// stall that request.
transition({MI_m, SS_m, S_m, M_m}, {GetS, GetM}) {
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