last edited: 2025-03-11 08:21:24 +0000
Adding parameters to SimObjects and more events
One of the most powerful parts of gem5’s Python interface is the ability
to pass parameters from Python to the C++ objects in gem5. In this
chapter, we will explore some of the kinds of parameters for SimObjects
and how to use them building off of the simple HelloObject
from the
previous chapters.
Simple parameters
First, we will add parameters for the latency and number of times to
fire the event in the HelloObject
. To add a parameter, modify the
class in the SimObject Python file
). Parameters are set by adding new
statements to the Python class that include a Param
For instance, the following code has a parameter time_to_wait
which is
a “Latency” parameter and number_of_fires
which is an integer
class HelloObject(SimObject):
type = 'HelloObject'
cxx_header = "learning_gem5/part2/hello_object.hh"
time_to_wait = Param.Latency("Time before firing the event")
number_of_fires = Param.Int(1, "Number of times to fire the event before "
declares a parameter of type TypeName
. Common types
are Int
for integers, Float
for floats, etc. These types act like
regular Python classes.
Each parameter declaration takes one or two parameters. When given two
parameters (like number_of_fires
above), the first parameter is the
default value for the parameter. In this case, if you instantiate a
in your Python config file without specifying any value
for number_of_fires, it will take the default value of 1.
The second parameter to the parameter declaration is a short description
of the parameter. This must be a Python string. If you only specify a
single parameter to the parameter declaration, it is the description (as
for time_to_wait
gem5 also supports many complex parameter types that are not just
builtin types. For instance, time_to_wait
is a Latency
. Latency
takes a value as a time value as a string and converts it into simulator
ticks. For instance, with a default tick rate of 1 picosecond
(10\^12 ticks per second or 1 THz), "1ns"
is automatically converted
to 1000. There are other convenience parameters like Percent
, MemorySize
and many more.
Once you have declared these parameters in the SimObject file, you need
to copy their values to your C++ class in its constructor. The following
code shows the changes to the HelloObject
HelloObject::HelloObject(const HelloObjectParams ¶ms) :
DPRINTF(Hello, "Created the hello object with the name %s\n", myName);
Here, we use the parameter’s values for the default values of latency
and timesLeft. Additionally, we store the name
from the parameter
object to use it later in the member variable myName
. Each params
instantiation has a name which comes from the Python config file when it
is instantiated.
However, assigning the name here is just an example of using the params
object. For all SimObjects, there is a name()
function that always
returns the name. Thus, there is never a need to store the name like
To the HelloObject class declaration, add a member variable for the name.
class HelloObject : public SimObject
void processEvent();
EventWrapper event;
const std::string myName;
const Tick latency;
int timesLeft;
HelloObject(HelloObjectParams *p);
void startup() override;
When we run gem5 with the above, we get the following error:
gem5 Simulator System.
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.
gem5 compiled Jan 4 2017 14:46:36
gem5 started Jan 4 2017 14:46:52
gem5 executing on chinook, pid 3422
command line: build/X86/gem5.opt --debug-flags=Hello configs/learning_gem5/part2/
Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
fatal: hello.time_to_wait without default or user set value
This is because the time_to_wait
parameter does not have a default
value. Therefore, we need to update the Python config file
) to specify this value.
root.hello = HelloObject(time_to_wait = '2us')
Or, we can specify time_to_wait
as a member variable. Either option is
exactly the same because the C++ objects are not created until
is called.
root.hello = HelloObject()
root.hello.time_to_wait = '2us'
The output of this simple script is the following when running the the
debug flag.
gem5 Simulator System.
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.
gem5 compiled Jan 4 2017 14:46:36
gem5 started Jan 4 2017 14:50:08
gem5 executing on chinook, pid 3455
command line: build/X86/gem5.opt --debug-flags=Hello configs/learning_gem5/part2/
Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
0: hello: Created the hello object with the name hello
Beginning simulation!
info: Entering event queue @ 0. Starting simulation...
2000000: hello: Hello world! Processing the event! 0 left
2000000: hello: Done firing!
Exiting @ tick 18446744073709551615 because simulate() limit reached
You can also modify the config script to fire the event multiple times.
Other SimObjects as parameters
You can also specify other SimObjects as parameters. To demonstrate
this, we are going to create a new SimObject, GoodbyeObject
. This
object is going to have a simple function that says “Goodbye” to another
SimObject. To make it a little more interesting, the GoodbyeObject
going to have a buffer to write the message, and a limited bandwidth to
write the message.
First, declare the SimObject in the SConscript file:
SimObject('', sim_objects=['HelloObject', 'GoodbyeObject'])
The new SConscript file can be downloaded here.
Next, you need to declare the new SimObject in a SimObject Python file.
Since the GoodbyeObject
is highly related to the HelloObject
, we
will use the same file. You can add the following code to
This object has two parameters, both with default values. The first
parameter is the size of a buffer and is a MemorySize
Second is the write_bandwidth
which specifies the speed to fill the
buffer. Once the buffer is full, the simulation will exit.
class GoodbyeObject(SimObject):
type = 'GoodbyeObject'
cxx_header = "learning_gem5/part2/goodbye_object.hh"
cxx_class = "gem5::GoodbyeObject"
buffer_size = Param.MemorySize('1kB',
"Size of buffer to fill with goodbye")
write_bandwidth = Param.MemoryBandwidth('100MB/s', "Bandwidth to fill "
"the buffer")
The updated
file can be downloaded
Now, we need to implement the GoodbyeObject
#include <string>
#include "params/GoodbyeObject.hh"
#include "sim/sim_object.hh"
class GoodbyeObject : public SimObject
void processEvent();
* Fills the buffer for one iteration. If the buffer isn't full, this
* function will enqueue another event to continue filling.
void fillBuffer();
EventWrapper<GoodbyeObject, &GoodbyeObject::processEvent> event;
/// The bytes processed per tick.
float bandwidth;
/// The size of the buffer we are going to fill.
int bufferSize;
/// The buffer we are putting our message in.
char *buffer;
/// The message to put into the buffer.
std::string message;
/// The amount of the buffer we've used so far.
int bufferUsed;
GoodbyeObject(GoodbyeObjectParams *p);
* Called by an outside object. Starts off the events to fill the buffer
* with a goodbye message.
* @param name the name of the object we are saying goodbye to.
void sayGoodbye(std::string name);
#include "learning_gem5/part2/goodbye_object.hh"
#include "base/trace.hh"
#include "debug/Hello.hh"
#include "sim/sim_exit.hh"
GoodbyeObject::GoodbyeObject(const GoodbyeObjectParams ¶ms) :
SimObject(params), event(*this), bandwidth(params.write_bandwidth),
bufferSize(params.buffer_size), buffer(nullptr), bufferUsed(0)
buffer = new char[bufferSize];
DPRINTF(Hello, "Created the goodbye object\n");
delete[] buffer;
DPRINTF(Hello, "Processing the event!\n");
GoodbyeObject::sayGoodbye(std::string other_name)
DPRINTF(Hello, "Saying goodbye to %s\n", other_name);
message = "Goodbye " + other_name + "!! ";
// There better be a message
assert(message.length() > 0);
// Copy from the message to the buffer per byte.
int bytes_copied = 0;
for (auto it = message.begin();
it < message.end() && bufferUsed < bufferSize - 1;
it++, bufferUsed++, bytes_copied++) {
// Copy the character into the buffer
buffer[bufferUsed] = *it;
if (bufferUsed < bufferSize - 1) {
// Wait for the next copy for as long as it would have taken
DPRINTF(Hello, "Scheduling another fillBuffer in %d ticks\n",
bandwidth * bytes_copied);
schedule(event, curTick() + bandwidth * bytes_copied);
} else {
DPRINTF(Hello, "Goodbye done copying!\n");
// Be sure to take into account the time for the last bytes
exitSimLoop(buffer, 0, curTick() + bandwidth * bytes_copied);
The header file can be downloaded here and the implementation can be downloaded here.
The interface to this GoodbyeObject
is simple a function sayGoodbye
which takes a string as a parameter. When this function is called, the
simulator builds the message and saves it in a member variable. Then, we
begin filling the buffer.
To model the limited bandwidth, each time we write the message to the buffer, we pause for the latency it takes to write the message. We use a simple event to model this pause.
Since we used a MemoryBandwidth
parameter in the SimObject
declaration, the bandwidth
variable is automatically converted into
ticks per byte, so calculating the latency is simply the bandwidth times
the bytes we want to write the buffer.
Finally, when the buffer is full, we call the function exitSimLoop
which will exit the simulation. This function takes three parameters,
the first is the message to return to the Python config script
), the second is the exit code, and the third is
when to exit.
Adding the GoodbyeObject as a parameter to the HelloObject
First, we will also add a GoodbyeObject
as a parameter to the
. To do this, you simply specify the SimObject class name
as the TypeName
of the Param
. You can have a default, or not, just
like a normal parameter.
class HelloObject(SimObject):
type = 'HelloObject'
cxx_header = "learning_gem5/part2/hello_object.hh"
time_to_wait = Param.Latency("Time before firing the event")
number_of_fires = Param.Int(1, "Number of times to fire the event before "
goodbye_object = Param.GoodbyeObject("A goodbye object")
The updated
file can be downloaded
Second, we will add a reference to a GoodbyeObject
to the
Don’t forget to include goodbye_object.hh
at the top of the hello_object.hh
#include <string>
#include "learning_gem5/part2/goodbye_object.hh"
#include "params/HelloObject.hh"
#include "sim/sim_object.hh"
class HelloObject : public SimObject
void processEvent();
EventWrapper event;
/// Pointer to the corresponding GoodbyeObject. Set via Python
GoodbyeObject* goodbye;
/// The name of this object in the Python config file
const std::string myName;
/// Latency between calling the event (in ticks)
const Tick latency;
/// Number of times left to fire the event before goodbye
int timesLeft;
HelloObject(const HelloObjectParams &p);
void startup() override;
Then, we need to update the constructor and the process event function
of the HelloObject
. We also add a check in the constructor to make
sure the goodbye
pointer is valid. It is possible to pass a null
pointer as a SimObject via the parameters by using the NULL
Python SimObject. We should panic when this happens since it is not a
case this object has been coded to accept.
#include "learning_gem5/part2/hello_object.hh"
#include "debug/Hello.hh"
HelloObject::HelloObject(HelloObjectParams ¶ms) :
DPRINTF(Hello, "Created the hello object with the name %s\n", myName);
panic_if(!goodbye, "HelloObject must have a non-null GoodbyeObject");
Once we have processed the number of event specified by the parameter,
we should call the sayGoodbye
function in the GoodbyeObject
DPRINTF(Hello, "Hello world! Processing the event! %d left\n", timesLeft);
if (timesLeft <= 0) {
DPRINTF(Hello, "Done firing!\n");
} else {
schedule(event, curTick() + latency);
You can find the updated header file here and the implementation file here.
Updating the config script
Lastly, we need to add the GoodbyeObject
to the config script. Create
a new config script,
and instantiate both the hello
and the goodbye objects. For instance, one possible script is the
import m5
from m5.objects import *
root = Root(full_system = False)
root.hello = HelloObject(time_to_wait = '2us', number_of_fires = 5)
root.hello.goodbye_object = GoodbyeObject(buffer_size='100B')
print("Beginning simulation!")
exit_event = m5.simulate()
print('Exiting @ tick %i because %s' % (m5.curTick(), exit_event.getCause()))
You can download this script here.
Running this script generates the following output.
gem5 Simulator System.
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.
gem5 compiled Jan 4 2017 15:17:14
gem5 started Jan 4 2017 15:18:41
gem5 executing on chinook, pid 3838
command line: build/X86/gem5.opt --debug-flags=Hello configs/learning_gem5/part2/
Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
0: hello.goodbye_object: Created the goodbye object
0: hello: Created the hello object
Beginning simulation!
info: Entering event queue @ 0. Starting simulation...
2000000: hello: Hello world! Processing the event! 4 left
4000000: hello: Hello world! Processing the event! 3 left
6000000: hello: Hello world! Processing the event! 2 left
8000000: hello: Hello world! Processing the event! 1 left
10000000: hello: Hello world! Processing the event! 0 left
10000000: hello: Done firing!
10000000: hello.goodbye_object: Saying goodbye to hello
10000000: hello.goodbye_object: Scheduling another fillBuffer in 152592 ticks
10152592: hello.goodbye_object: Processing the event!
10152592: hello.goodbye_object: Scheduling another fillBuffer in 152592 ticks
10305184: hello.goodbye_object: Processing the event!
10305184: hello.goodbye_object: Scheduling another fillBuffer in 152592 ticks
10457776: hello.goodbye_object: Processing the event!
10457776: hello.goodbye_object: Scheduling another fillBuffer in 152592 ticks
10610368: hello.goodbye_object: Processing the event!
10610368: hello.goodbye_object: Scheduling another fillBuffer in 152592 ticks
10762960: hello.goodbye_object: Processing the event!
10762960: hello.goodbye_object: Scheduling another fillBuffer in 152592 ticks
10915552: hello.goodbye_object: Processing the event!
10915552: hello.goodbye_object: Goodbye done copying!
Exiting @ tick 10944163 because Goodbye hello!! Goodbye hello!! Goodbye hello!! Goodbye hello!! Goodbye hello!! Goodbye hello!! Goo
You can modify the parameters to these two SimObjects and see how the overall execution time (Exiting @ tick 10944163) changes. To run these tests, you may want to remove the debug flag so there is less output to the terminal.
In the next chapters, we will create a more complex and more useful SimObject, culminating with a simple blocking uniprocessor cache implementation.