last edited: 2025-03-11 08:21:24 +0000
Action code blocks
The next section of the state machine file is the action blocks. The action blocks are executed during a transition from one state to another, and are called by the transition code blocks (which we will discuss in the next section <MSI-transitions-section>). Actions are single action blocks. Some examples are “send a message to the directory” and “pop the head of the buffer”. Each action should be small and only perform a single action.
The first action we will implement is an action to send a GetS request
to the directory. We need to send a GetS request to the directory
whenever we want to read some data that is not in the Modified or Shared
states in our cache. As previously mentioned, there are three variables
that are automatically populated inside the action block (like the
in peek
blocks). address
is the address that was passed
into the trigger
function, cache_entry
is the cache entry passed
into the trigger
function, and tbe
is the TBE passed into the
action(sendGetS, 'gS', desc="Send GetS to the directory") {
enqueue(request_out, RequestMsg, 1) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GetS;
// See mem/protocol/ for possible sizes.
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
// Set that the requestor is this machine so we get the response.
out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
When specifying the action block, there are two parameters: a description and a “shorthand”. These two parameters are used in the HTML table generation. The shorthand shows up in the transition cell, so it should be as short as possible. SLICC provides a special syntax to allow for bold (‘’), superscript (‘\^’), and spaces (‘_’) in the shorthand to help keep them short. Second, the description also shows up in the HTML table when you click on a particular action. The description can be longer and help explain what the action does.
Next, in this action we are going to send a message to the directory on
the request_out
port as declared above the in_port
blocks. The
function is similar to the peek
function since it requires a
code block. enqueue
, however, has the special variable out_msg
. In
the enqueue
block, you can modify the out_msg
with the current data.
The enqueue
block takes three parameters, the message buffer to send
the message, the type of the message, and a latency. This latency (1
cycle in the example above and throughout this cache controller) is the
cache latency. This is where you specify the latency of accessing the
cache, in this case for a miss. Below we will see that specifying the
latency for a hit is similar.
Inside the enqueue
block is where the message data is populated. For
the address of the request, we can use the automatically populated
variable. We are sending a GetS message, so we use that
message type. Next, we need to specify the destination of the message.
For this, we use the mapAddressToMachine
function that takes the
address and the machine type we are sending to. This will look up in the
correct MachineID
based on the address. We call Destination.add
because Destination
is a NetDest
object, or a bitmap of all
Finally, we need to specify the message size (from
) and set ourselves as the requestor.
By setting this machineID
as the requestor, it will allow the
directory to respond to this cache or forward it to another cache to
respond to this request.
Similarly, we can create actions for sending other get and put requests. Note that get requests represent requests for data and put requests represent requests where we downgrading or evicting our copy of the data.
action(sendGetM, "gM", desc="Send GetM to the directory") {
enqueue(request_out, RequestMsg, 1) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GetM;
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
action(sendPutS, "pS", desc="Send PutS to the directory") {
enqueue(request_out, RequestMsg, 1) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:PutS;
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
action(sendPutM, "pM", desc="Send putM+data to the directory") {
enqueue(request_out, RequestMsg, 1) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:PutM;
out_msg.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk;
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data;
out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
Next, we need to specify an action to send data to another cache in the
case that we get a forwarded request from the directory for another
cache. In this case, we have to peek into the request queue to get other
data from the requesting message. This peek code block is exactly the
same as the ones in the in_port
. When you nest an enqueue
block in a
block both in_msg
and out_msg
variables are available. This
is needed so we know which other cache to send the data to.
Additionally, in this action we use the cache_entry
variable to get
the data to send to the other cache.
action(sendCacheDataToReq, "cdR", desc="Send cache data to requestor") {
peek(forward_in, RequestMsg) {
enqueue(response_out, ResponseMsg, 1) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:Data;
out_msg.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk;
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data;
out_msg.Sender := machineID;
Next, we specify actions for sending data to the directory and sending an invalidation ack to the original requestor on a forward request when this cache does not have the data.
action(sendCacheDataToDir, "cdD", desc="Send the cache data to the dir") {
enqueue(response_out, ResponseMsg, 1) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:Data;
out_msg.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk;
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Data;
out_msg.Sender := machineID;
action(sendInvAcktoReq, "iaR", desc="Send inv-ack to requestor") {
peek(forward_in, RequestMsg) {
enqueue(response_out, ResponseMsg, 1) {
out_msg.addr := address;
out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:InvAck;
out_msg.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk;
out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
out_msg.Sender := machineID;
Another required action is to decrement the number of acks we are
waiting for. This is used when we get a invalidation ack from another
cache to track the total number of acks. For this action, we assume that
there is a valid TBE and modify the implicit tbe
variable in the
action block.
Additionally, we have another example of making debugging easier in
. This function takes a string, or
something that can easily be converted to a string (e.g., int
) as a
parameter. It modifies the protocol trace output, which we will
discuss in the debugging section. On each
protocol trace line that executes this action it will print the total
number of acks this cache is still waiting on. This is useful since the
number of remaining acks is part of the cache block state.
action(decrAcks, "da", desc="Decrement the number of acks") {
tbe.AcksOutstanding := tbe.AcksOutstanding - 1;
We also need an action to store the acks when we receive a message from the directory with an ack count. For this action, we peek into the directory’s response message to get the number of acks and store them in the (required to be valid) TBE.
action(storeAcks, "sa", desc="Store the needed acks to the TBE") {
peek(response_in, ResponseMsg) {
tbe.AcksOutstanding := in_msg.Acks + tbe.AcksOutstanding;
assert(tbe.AcksOutstanding > 0);
The next set of actions are to respond to CPU requests on hits and misses. For these actions, we need to notify the sequencer (the interface between Ruby and the rest of gem5) of the new data. In the case of a store, we give the sequencer a pointer to the data block and the sequencer updates the data in-place.
action(loadHit, "Lh", desc="Load hit") {
sequencer.readCallback(address, cache_entry.DataBlk, false);
action(externalLoadHit, "xLh", desc="External load hit (was a miss)") {
peek(response_in, ResponseMsg) {
// Forward the type of machine that responded to this request
// E.g., another cache or the directory. This is used for tracking
// statistics.
sequencer.readCallback(address, cache_entry.DataBlk, true,
action(storeHit, "Sh", desc="Store hit") {
// The same as the read callback above.
sequencer.writeCallback(address, cache_entry.DataBlk, false);
action(externalStoreHit, "xSh", desc="External store hit (was a miss)") {
peek(response_in, ResponseMsg) {
sequencer.writeCallback(address, cache_entry.DataBlk, true,
// Note: this could be the last ack.
action(forwardEviction, "e", desc="sends eviction notification to CPU") {
if (send_evictions) {
In each of these actions, it is vital that we call setMRU
on the cache
entry. The setMRU
function is what allows the replacement policy to
know which blocks are most recently accessed. If you leave out the
call, the replacement policy will not operate correctly!
On loads and stores, we call the read/writeCallback
function on the
. This notifies the sequencer of the new data or allows it to
write the data into the data block. These functions take four parameters
(the last parameter is optional): address, data block, a boolean for if
the original request was a miss, and finally, an optional MachineType
The final optional parameter is used for tracking statistics on where
the data for the request was found. It allows you to track whether the
data comes from cache-to-cache transfers or from memory.
Finally, we also have an action to forward evictions to the CPU. This is required for gem5’s out-of-order models to squash speculative loads if the cache block is evicted before the load is committed. We use the parameter specified at the top of the state machine file to check if this is needed or not.
Next, we have a set of cache management actions that allocate and free
cache entries and TBEs. To create a new cache entry, we must have space
in the CacheMemory
object. Then, we can call the allocate
This allocate function doesn’t actually allocate the host memory for the
cache entry since this controller specialized the Entry
type, which is
why we need to pass a new Entry
to the allocate
Additionally, in these actions we call set_cache_entry
, and similar functions for the TBE. These set and
unset the implicit variables that were passed in via the trigger
function. For instance, when allocating a new cache block, we call
and in all actions proceeding allocateCacheBlock
variable will be valid.
There is also an action that copies the data from the cache data block to the TBE. This allows us to keep the data around even after removing the cache block until we are sure that this cache no longer are responsible for the data.
action(allocateCacheBlock, "a", desc="Allocate a cache block") {
set_cache_entry(cacheMemory.allocate(address, new Entry));
action(deallocateCacheBlock, "d", desc="Deallocate a cache block") {
// clear the cache_entry variable (now it's invalid)
action(writeDataToCache, "wd", desc="Write data to the cache") {
peek(response_in, ResponseMsg) {
cache_entry.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk;
action(allocateTBE, "aT", desc="Allocate TBE") {
// this updates the tbe variable for other actions
action(deallocateTBE, "dT", desc="Deallocate TBE") {
// this makes the tbe variable invalid
action(copyDataFromCacheToTBE, "Dct", desc="Copy data from cache to TBE") {
tbe.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk;
The next set of actions are for managing the message buffers. We need to
add actions to pop the head message off of the buffers after the message
has been satisfied. The dequeue
function takes a single parameter, a
time for the dequeue to take place. Delaying the dequeue for a cycle
prevents the in_port
logic from consuming another message from the
same message buffer in a single cycle.
action(popMandatoryQueue, "pQ", desc="Pop the mandatory queue") {
action(popResponseQueue, "pR", desc="Pop the response queue") {
action(popForwardQueue, "pF", desc="Pop the forward queue") {
Finally, the last action is a stall. Below, we are using a “z_stall”,
which is the simplest kind of stall in SLICC. By leaving the action
blank, it generates a “protocol stall” in the in_port
logic which
stalls all messages from being processed in the current message buffer
and all lower priority message buffer. Protocols using “z_stall” are
usually simpler, but lower performance since a stall on a high priority
buffer can stall many requests that may not need to be stalled.
action(stall, "z", desc="Stall the incoming request") {
// z_stall
There are two other ways to deal with messages that cannot currently be
processed that can improve the performance of protocols. (Note: We will
not be using these more complicated techniques in this simple example
protocol.) The first is recycle
. The message buffers have a recycle
function that moves the request on the head of the queue to the tail.
This allows other requests in the buffer or requests in other buffers to
be processed immediately. recycle
actions often improve the
performance of protocols significantly.
However, recycle
is not very realistic when compared to real
implementations of cache coherence. For a more realistic
high-performance solution to stalling messages, Ruby provides the
function on message buffers. This function takes the
head request and moves it into a separate structure tagged by an
address. The address is user-specified, but is usually the request’s
address. Later, when the blocked request can be handled, there is
another function wakeUpBuffers(address)
which will wake up all
requests stalled on address
and wakeUpAllBuffers()
that wakes up all
of the stalled requests. When a request is “woken up” it is placed back
into the message buffer to be subsequently processed.