authors: Jason Lowe-Power
last edited: 2025-03-11 08:21:24 +0000

Creating SimObjects in the memory system

In this chapter, we will create a simple memory object that sits between the CPU and the memory bus. In the next chapter we will take this simple memory object and add some logic to it to make it a very simple blocking uniprocessor cache.

gem5 request and response ports

Before diving into the implementation of a memory object, we should first understand gem5’s request and response port interface. As previously discussed in simple-config-chapter, all memory objects are connected together via ports. These ports provide a rigid interface between these memory objects.

These ports implement three different memory system modes: timing, atomic, and functional. The most important mode is timing mode. Timing mode is the only mode that produces correct simulation results. The other modes are only used in special circumstances.

Atomic mode is useful for fastforwarding simulation to a region of interest and warming up the simulator. This mode assumes that no events will be generated in the memory system. Instead, all of the memory requests execute through a single long callchain. It is not required to implement atomic accesses for a memory object unless it will be used during fastforward or during simulator warmup.

Functional mode is better described as debugging mode. Functional mode is used for things like reading data from the host into the simulator memory. It is used heavily in syscall emulation mode. For instance, functional mode is used to load the binary in the process.cmd from the host into the simulated system’s memory so the simulated system can access it. Functional accesses should return the most up-to-date data on a read, no matter where the data is, and should update all possible valid data on a write (e.g., in a system with caches there may be multiple valid cache blocks with the same address).


In gem5, Packets are sent across ports. A Packet is made up of a MemReq which is the memory request object. The MemReq holds information about the original request that initiated the packet such as the requestor, the address, and the type of request (read, write, etc.).

Packets also have a MemCmd, which is the current command of the packet. This command can change throughout the life of the packet (e.g., requests turn into responses once the memory command is satisfied). The most common MemCmd are ReadReq (read request), ReadResp (read response), WriteReq (write request), WriteResp (write response). There are also writeback requests (WritebackDirty, WritebackClean) for caches and many other command types.

Packets also either keep the data for the request, or a pointer to the data. There are options when creating the packet whether the data is dynamic (explicitly allocated and deallocated), or static (allocated and deallocated by the packet object).

Finally, packets are used in the classic caches as the unit to track coherency. Therefore, much of the packet code is specific to the classic cache coherence protocol. However, packets are used for all communication between memory objects in gem5, even if they are not directly involved in coherence (e.g., DRAM controllers and the CPU models).

All of the port interface functions accept a Packet pointer as a parameter. Since this pointer is so common, gem5 includes a typedef for it: PacketPtr.

Port interface

There are two types of ports in gem5: request ports and response ports. Whenever you implement a memory object, you will implement at least one of these types of ports. To do this, you create a new class that inherits from either RequestPort or ResponsePort for request and response ports, respectively. Request ports send requests (and receive response), and response ports receive requests (and send responses).

The figure below outlines the simplest interaction between a request and response port. This figure shows the interaction in timing mode. The other modes are much simpler and use a simple callchain between the requestor and the responder.

Simple request-response interaction when both can accept the request and
the response.

As mentioned above, all of the port interfaces require a PacketPtr as a parameter. Each of these functions (sendTimingReq, recvTimingReq, etc.), accepts a single parameter, a PacketPtr. This packet is the request or response to send or receive.

To send a request packet, the requestor calls sendTimingReq. In turn, (and in the same callchain), the function recvTimingReq is called on the responder with the same PacketPtr as its sole parameter.

The recvTimingReq has a return type of bool. This boolean return value is directly returned to the calling requestor. A return value of true signifies that the packet was accepted by the responder. A return value of false, on the other hand, means that the responder was unable to accept and the request must be retried sometime in the future.

In the figure above, first, the requestor sends a timing request by calling sendTimingReq, which in turn calls recvTimingResp. The responder, returns true from recvTimingReq, which is returned from the call to sendTimingReq. The requestor continue executing, and the responder does whatever is necessary to complete the request (e.g., if it is a cache, it looks up the tags to see if there is a match to the address in the request).

Once the responder completes the request, it can send a response to the requestor. The responder calls sendTimingResp with the response packet (this should be the same PacketPtr as the request, but it should now be a response packet). In turn, the request function recvTimingResp is called. The requestor’s recvTimingResp function returns true, which is the return value of sendTimingResp in the responder. Thus, the interaction for that request is complete.

Later, in the example section we will show the example code for these functions.

It is possible that the requestor or responder is busy when they receive a request or a response. The figure below shows the case where the responder is busy when the original request was sent.

Simple requestor-responder interaction when the responder is

In this case, the responder returns false from the recvTimingReq function. When a requestor receives false after calling sendTimingReq, it must wait until the its function recvReqRetry is executed. Only when this function is called is the requestor allowed to retry calling sendTimingRequest. The above figure shows the timing request failing once, but it could fail any number of times. Note: it is up to the requestor to track the packet that fails, not the responder. The responder does not keep the pointer to the packet that fails.

Similarly, this figure shows the case when the requestor is busy at the time the responder tries to send a response. In this case, the responder cannot call sendTimingResp until it receives a recvRespRetry.

Simple requestor-responder interaction when the requestor is

Importantly, in both of these cases, the retry codepath can be a single call stack. For instance, when the requestor calls sendRespRetry, recvTimingReq can also be called in the same call stack. Therefore, it is easy to incorrectly create an infinite recursion bug, or other bugs. It is important that before a memory object sends a retry, that it is ready at that instant to accept another packet.

Simple memory object example

In this section, we will build a simple memory object. Initially, it will simply pass requests through from the CPU-side (a simple CPU) to the memory-side (a simple memory bus). See the figure below. It will have a single memory-side requestor port, to send requests to the memory bus, and two cpu-side ports for the instruction and data cache ports of the CPU. In the next chapter simplecache-chapter, we will add the logic to make this object a cache.

System with a simple memory object which sits between a CPU and the
memory bus.

Declare the SimObject

Just like when we were creating the simple SimObject in hello-simobject-chapter, the first step is to create a SimObject Python file. We will call this simple memory object SimpleMemobj and create the SimObject Python file in src/learning_gem5/simple_memobj.

from m5.params import *
from m5.proxy import *
from m5.SimObject import SimObject

class SimpleMemobj(SimObject):
    type = 'SimpleMemobj'
    cxx_header = "learning_gem5/part2/simple_memobj.hh"

    inst_port = ResponsePort("CPU side port, receives requests")
    data_port = ResponsePort("CPU side port, receives requests")
    mem_side = RequestPort("Memory side port, sends requests")

For this object, we inherit from SimObject. The SimObject class has a pure virtual functions that we will have to define in our C++ implementation, getPort.

This object’s parameters are three ports. Two ports for the CPU to connect the instruction and data ports and a port to connect to the memory bus. These ports do not have a default value, and they have a simple description.

It is important to remember the names of these ports. We will explicitly use these names when implementing SimpleMemobj and defining the getPort function.

You can download the SimObject file here.

Of course, you also need to create a SConscript file in the new directory as well that declares the SimObject Python file. You can download the SConscript file here.

Define the SimpleMemobj class

Now, we create a header file for SimpleMemobj.

#include "mem/port.hh"
#include "params/SimpleMemobj.hh"
#include "sim/sim_object.hh"

class SimpleMemobj : public SimObject


    /** constructor
    SimpleMemobj(SimpleMemobjParams *params);

Define a response port type

Now, we need to define classes for our two kinds of ports: the CPU-side and the memory-side ports. For this, we will declare these classes inside the SimpleMemobj class since no other object will ever use these classes.

Let’s start with the response port, or the CPU-side port. We are going to inherit from the ResponsePort class. The following is the required code to override all of the pure virtual functions in the ResponsePort class.

class CPUSidePort : public ResponsePort
    SimpleMemobj *owner;

    CPUSidePort(const std::string& name, SimpleMemobj *owner) :
        ResponsePort(name, owner), owner(owner)
    { }

    AddrRangeList getAddrRanges() const override;

    Tick recvAtomic(PacketPtr pkt) override { panic("recvAtomic unimpl."); }
    void recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt) override;
    bool recvTimingReq(PacketPtr pkt) override;
    void recvRespRetry() override;

This object requires five functions to be defined.

This object also has a single member variable, its owner, so it can call functions on that object.

Define a request port type

Next, we need to define a request port type. This will be the memory-side port which will forward request from the CPU-side to the rest of the memory system.

class MemSidePort : public RequestPort
    SimpleMemobj *owner;

    MemSidePort(const std::string& name, SimpleMemobj *owner) :
        RequestPort(name, owner), owner(owner)
    { }

    bool recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt) override;
    void recvReqRetry() override;
    void recvRangeChange() override;

This class only has three pure virtual functions that we must override.

Defining the SimObject interface

Now that we have defined these two new types CPUSidePort and MemSidePort, we can declare our three ports as part of SimpleMemobj. We also need to declare the pure virtual function in the SimObject class, getPort. The function is used by gem5 during the initialization phase to connect memory objects together via ports.

class SimpleMemobj : public SimObject

    <CPUSidePort declaration>
    <MemSidePort declaration>

    CPUSidePort instPort;
    CPUSidePort dataPort;

    MemSidePort memPort;

    SimpleMemobj(SimpleMemobjParams *params);

    Port &getPort(const std::string &if_name,
                  PortID idx=InvalidPortID) override;

You can download the header file for the SimpleMemobj here.

Implementing basic SimObject functions

For the constructor of SimpleMemobj, we will simply call the SimObject constructor. We also need to initialize all of the ports. Each port’s constructor takes two parameters: the name and a pointer to its owner, as we defined in the header file. The name can be any string, but by convention, it is the same name as in the Python SimObject file. We also initialize blocked to be false.

#include "learning_gem5/part2/simple_memobj.hh"
#include "debug/SimpleMemobj.hh"

SimpleMemobj::SimpleMemobj(SimpleMemobjParams *params) :
    instPort(params->name + ".inst_port", this),
    dataPort(params->name + ".data_port", this),
    memPort(params->name + ".mem_side", this), blocked(false)

Next, we need to implement the interfaces to get the ports. This interface is made of the function getPort. The function takes two parameters. The if_name is the Python variable name of the interface for this object.

To implement getPort, we compare the if_name and check to see if it is mem_side as specified in our Python SimObject file. If it is, then we return the memPort object. If the name is "inst_port", then we return the instPort, and if the name is data_port we return the data port. If not, then we pass the request name to our parent.

Port &
SimpleMemobj::getPort(const std::string &if_name, PortID idx)
    panic_if(idx != InvalidPortID, "This object doesn't support vector ports");

    // This is the name from the Python SimObject declaration (
    if (if_name == "mem_side") {
        return memPort;
    } else if (if_name == "inst_port") {
        return instPort;
    } else if (if_name == "data_port") {
        return dataPort;
    } else {
        // pass it along to our super class
        return SimObject::getPort(if_name, idx);

Implementing request and response port functions

The implementation of both the request and response port is relatively simple. For the most part, each of the port functions just forwards the information to the main memory object (SimpleMemobj).

Starting with two simple functions, getAddrRanges and recvFunctional simply call into the SimpleMemobj.

SimpleMemobj::CPUSidePort::getAddrRanges() const
    return owner->getAddrRanges();

SimpleMemobj::CPUSidePort::recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt)
    return owner->handleFunctional(pkt);

The implementation of these functions in the SimpleMemobj are equally simple. These implementations just pass through the request to the memory side. We can use DPRINTF calls here to track what is happening for debug purposes as well.

SimpleMemobj::handleFunctional(PacketPtr pkt)

SimpleMemobj::getAddrRanges() const
    DPRINTF(SimpleMemobj, "Sending new ranges\n");
    return memPort.getAddrRanges();

Similarly for the MemSidePort, we need to implement recvRangeChange and forward the request through the SimpleMemobj to the response port.


Implementing receiving requests

The implementation of recvTimingReq is slightly more complicated. We need to check to see if the SimpleMemobj can accept the request. The SimpleMemobj is a very simple blocking structure; we only allow a single request outstanding at a time. Therefore, if we get a request while another request is outstanding, the SimpleMemobj will block the second request.

To simplify the implementation, the CPUSidePort stores all of the flow-control information for the port interface. Thus, we need to add an extra member variable, needRetry, to the CPUSidePort, a boolean that stores whether we need to send a retry whenever the SimpleMemobj becomes free. Then, if the SimpleMemobj is blocked on a request, we set that we need to send a retry sometime in the future.

SimpleMemobj::CPUSidePort::recvTimingReq(PacketPtr pkt)
    if (!owner->handleRequest(pkt)) {
        needRetry = true;
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;

To handle the request for the SimpleMemobj, we first check if the SimpleMemobj is already blocked waiting for a response to another request. If it is blocked, then we return false to signal the calling request port that we cannot accept the request right now. Otherwise, we mark the port as blocked and send the packet out of the memory port. For this, we can define a helper function in the MemSidePort object to hide the flow control from the SimpleMemobj implementation. We will assume the memPort handles all of the flow control and always return true from handleRequest since we were successful in consuming the request.

SimpleMemobj::handleRequest(PacketPtr pkt)
    if (blocked) {
        return false;
    DPRINTF(SimpleMemobj, "Got request for addr %#x\n", pkt->getAddr());
    blocked = true;
    return true;

Next, we need to implement the sendPacket function in the MemSidePort. This function will handle the flow control in case its peer response port cannot accept the request. For this, we need to add a member to the MemSidePort to store the packet in case it is blocked. It is the responsibility of the sender to store the packet if the receiver cannot receive the request (or response).

This function simply sends the packet by calling the function sendTimingReq. If the send fails, then this object stores the packet in the blockedPacket member function so it can send the packet later (when it receives a recvReqRetry). This function also contains some defensive code to make sure there is not a bug and we never try to overwrite the blockedPacket variable incorrectly.

SimpleMemobj::MemSidePort::sendPacket(PacketPtr pkt)
    panic_if(blockedPacket != nullptr, "Should never try to send if blocked!");
    if (!sendTimingReq(pkt)) {
        blockedPacket = pkt;

Next, we need to implement the code to resend the packet. In this function, we try to resend the packet by calling the sendPacket function we wrote above.

    assert(blockedPacket != nullptr);

    PacketPtr pkt = blockedPacket;
    blockedPacket = nullptr;


Implementing receiving responses

The response codepath is similar to the receiving codepath. When the MemSidePort gets a response, we forward the response through the SimpleMemobj to the appropriate CPUSidePort.

SimpleMemobj::MemSidePort::recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt)
    return owner->handleResponse(pkt);

In the SimpleMemobj, first, it should always be blocked when we receive a response since the object should be waiting for the response. Before sending the packet back to the CPU side, we need to mark that the object is no longer blocked. This must be done before calling sendTimingResp. Otherwise, it is possible to get stuck in an infinite loop as it is possible that the request port has a single callchain between receiving a response and sending another request.

After unblocking the SimpleMemobj, we check to see if the packet is an instruction or data packet and send it back across the appropriate port. Finally, since the object is now unblocked, we may need to notify the CPU side ports that they can now retry their requests that failed.

SimpleMemobj::handleResponse(PacketPtr pkt)
    DPRINTF(SimpleMemobj, "Got response for addr %#x\n", pkt->getAddr());

    blocked = false;

    // Simply forward to the memory port
    if (pkt->req->isInstFetch()) {
    } else {


    return true;

Similar to how we implemented a convenience function for sending packets in the MemSidePort, we can implement a sendPacket function in the CPUSidePort to send the responses to the CPU side. This function calls sendTimingResp which will in turn call recvTimingResp on the peer request port. If this call fails and the peer port is currently blocked, then we store the packet to be sent later.

SimpleMemobj::CPUSidePort::sendPacket(PacketPtr pkt)
    panic_if(blockedPacket != nullptr, "Should never try to send if blocked!");

    if (!sendTimingResp(pkt)) {
        blockedPacket = pkt;

We will send this blocked packet later when we receive a recvRespRetry. This function is exactly the same as the recvReqRetry above and simply tries to resend the packet, which may be blocked again.

    assert(blockedPacket != nullptr);

    PacketPtr pkt = blockedPacket;
    blockedPacket = nullptr;


Finally, we need to implement the extra function trySendRetry for the CPUSidePort. This function is called by the SimpleMemobj whenever the SimpleMemobj may be unblocked. trySendRetry checks to see if a retry is needed which we marked in recvTimingReq whenever the SimpleMemobj was blocked on a new request. Then, if the retry is needed, this function calls sendRetryReq, which in turn calls recvReqRetry on the peer request port (the CPU in this case).

    if (needRetry && blockedPacket == nullptr) {
        needRetry = false;
        DPRINTF(SimpleMemobj, "Sending retry req for %d\n", id);

In addition to this function, to finish the file add the create function for SimpleMemobj.

    return new SimpleMemobj(this);

You can download the implementation for the SimpleMemobj here.

The following figure shows the relationships between the CPUSidePort, MemSidePort, and SimpleMemobj. This figure shows how the peer ports interact with the implementation of the SimpleMemobj. Each bold function is one that we had to implement, and the non-bold functions are the port interfaces to the peer ports. The colors highlight one API path through the object (e.g., receiving a request or updating the memory ranges).

Interaction between SimpleMemobj and its ports

For this simple memory object, packets are just forwarded from the CPU-side to the memory side. However, by modifying handleRequest and handleResponse, we can create rich featureful objects, like a cache in the next chapter.

Create a config file

This is all of the code needed to implement a simple memory object! In the next chapter, we will take this framework and add some caching logic to make this memory object into a simple cache. However, before that, let’s look at the config file to add the SimpleMemobj to your system.

This config file builds off of the simple config file in simple-config-chapter. However, instead of connecting the CPU directly to the memory bus, we are going to instantiate a SimpleMemobj and place it between the CPU and the memory bus.

import m5
from m5.objects import *

system = System()
system.clk_domain = SrcClockDomain()
system.clk_domain.clock = '1GHz'
system.clk_domain.voltage_domain = VoltageDomain()
system.mem_mode = 'timing'
system.mem_ranges = [AddrRange('512MB')]

system.cpu = X86TimingSimpleCPU()

system.memobj = SimpleMemobj()

system.cpu.icache_port = system.memobj.inst_port
system.cpu.dcache_port = system.memobj.data_port

system.membus = SystemXBar()

system.memobj.mem_side = system.membus.cpu_side_ports

system.cpu.interrupts[0].pio = system.membus.mem_side_ports
system.cpu.interrupts[0].int_requestor = system.membus.cpu_side_ports
system.cpu.interrupts[0].int_responder = system.membus.mem_side_ports

system.mem_ctrl = DDR3_1600_8x8()
system.mem_ctrl.range = system.mem_ranges[0]
system.mem_ctrl.port = system.membus.mem_side_ports

system.system_port = system.membus.cpu_side_ports

process = Process()
process.cmd = ['tests/test-progs/hello/bin/x86/linux/hello']
system.cpu.workload = process

root = Root(full_system = False, system = system)

print ("Beginning simulation!")
exit_event = m5.simulate()
print('Exiting @ tick %i because %s' % (m5.curTick(), exit_event.getCause()))

You can download this config script here.

Now, when you run this config file you get the following output.

gem5 Simulator System.
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.

gem5 compiled Jan  5 2017 13:40:18
gem5 started Jan  9 2017 10:17:17
gem5 executing on chinook, pid 5138
command line: build/X86/gem5.opt configs/learning_gem5/part2/

Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
warn: DRAM device capacity (8192 Mbytes) does not match the address range assigned (512 Mbytes)
0: system.remote_gdb.listener: listening for remote gdb #0 on port 7000
warn: CoherentXBar system.membus has no snooping ports attached!
warn: ClockedObject: More than one power state change request encountered within the same simulation tick
Beginning simulation!
info: Entering event queue @ 0.  Starting simulation...
Hello world!
Exiting @ tick 507841000 because target called exit()

If you run with the SimpleMemobj debug flag, you can see all of the memory requests and responses from and to the CPU.

gem5 Simulator System.
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.

gem5 compiled Jan  5 2017 13:40:18
gem5 started Jan  9 2017 10:18:51
gem5 executing on chinook, pid 5157
command line: build/X86/gem5.opt --debug-flags=SimpleMemobj configs/learning_gem5/part2/

Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
Beginning simulation!
info: Entering event queue @ 0.  Starting simulation...
      0: system.memobj: Got request for addr 0x190
  77000: system.memobj: Got response for addr 0x190
  77000: system.memobj: Got request for addr 0x190
 132000: system.memobj: Got response for addr 0x190
 132000: system.memobj: Got request for addr 0x190
 187000: system.memobj: Got response for addr 0x190
 187000: system.memobj: Got request for addr 0x94e30
 250000: system.memobj: Got response for addr 0x94e30
 250000: system.memobj: Got request for addr 0x190

You may also want to change the CPU model to the out-of-order model (X86O3CPU). When using the out-of-order CPU you will potentially see a different address stream since it allows multiple memory requests outstanding at a once. When using the out-of-order CPU, there will now be many stalls because the SimpleMemobj is blocking.