gem5.components.boards.arm_board module¶
- class gem5.components.boards.arm_board.ArmBoard(clk_freq: str, processor: ~gem5.components.processors.abstract_processor.AbstractProcessor, memory: ~gem5.components.memory.abstract_memory_system.AbstractMemorySystem, cache_hierarchy: ~gem5.components.cachehierarchies.abstract_cache_hierarchy.AbstractCacheHierarchy, platform: ~m5.objects.RealView.VExpress_GEM5_Base = <m5.objects.RealView.VExpress_GEM5_Foundation object>, release: ~m5.objects.ArmSystem.ArmRelease = <m5.objects.ArmSystem.ArmDefaultRelease object>)¶
A board capable of full system simulation for ARM instructions. It is based ARMv8.
The board is based on Arm Motherboard Express uATX (V2M-P1), Arm CoreTile Express A15x2 (V2P-CA15) and on Armv8-A FVP Foundation platform v11.8, depending on the simulated platform. These boards are parts of ARM’s Versatile(TM) Express family of boards.
Limitations * stage2 walker ports are ignored. * KVM cores only work with VExpress_GEM5_V1
- abstract = False¶
- connect_system_port(port: Port) None ¶
- createCCObject()¶
We override this function as it is called in
. This means we can insert a check to ensure the_connect_things
function has been run.
- cxx_exports = []¶
- cxx_extra_bases = []¶
- cxx_param_exports = []¶
- cxx_template_params = []¶
- get_default_kernel_args() List[str] ¶
Returns a default list of arguments for the workload kernel. We assume the following strings may be used as placeholders, to be replaced when
is executed:{root_value} : set to
- Returns:
A default list of arguments for the workload kernel.
- get_disk_device()¶
Set a default disk device, in case user does not specify a disk device.
- Returns:
The disk device.
- get_dma_ports() List[Port] ¶
Get the board’s Direct Memory Access ports. This abstract method must be implemented within the subclasses if they support DMA and/or full system simulation.
- Returns:
A List of the Direct Memory Access ports.
- get_io_bus() IOXBar ¶
Get the board’s IO Bus.
This abstract method must be implemented within the subclasses if they support DMA and/or full system simulation.
The I/O bus is a non-coherent bus (in the classic caches). On the CPU side, it accepts requests meant for I/O devices. On the memory side, it forwards these requests to the devices (e.g., the interrupt controllers on each core).
- Returns:
The I/O Bus.
- get_mem_ports() Sequence[Tuple[AddrRange, Port]] ¶
Get the memory ports exposed on this board
The ports should be returned such that the address ranges are in ascending order.
- get_mem_side_coherent_io_port() Port ¶
Get the memory-side coherent I/O port.
This abstract method must be implemented if
.This returns a port (not a bus) that should be connected to a CPU-side port for which coherent I/O (DMA) is issued.
- has_coherent_io() bool ¶
Determine whether the board needs coherent I/O
- Returns:
if the board needs coherent I/O,False
- has_dma_ports() bool ¶
Determine whether the board has DMA ports or not.
- Returns:
if the board has DMA ports, otherwiseFalse
- has_io_bus() bool ¶
Determine whether the board has an IO bus or not.
- Returns:
if the board has an IO bus, otherwiseFalse