gem5.components.boards.kernel_disk_workload module

class gem5.components.boards.kernel_disk_workload.KernelDiskWorkload

Bases: object

The purpose of this abstract class is to enable a full-system boot consisting of of a kernel which will then load a disk image.

For this to function correctly, the KernelDiskWorkload class should be added as a superclass to a board and the abstract methods implemented. E.g.:

class X86Board(AbstractBoard, KernelDiskWorkload):
    def get_default_kernel_args(self) -> List[str]:
        return [


  • This assumes only one disk is set.

  • This assumes the Linux kernel is used.

append_kernel_arg(arg: str) None

Append a kernel argument to the list of kernel arguments.


arg – The kernel argument to append.

abstract get_default_kernel_args() List[str]

Returns a default list of arguments for the workload kernel. We assume the following strings may be used as placeholders, to be replaced when set_kernel_disk_workload is executed:

  • {root_value} : set to get_default_kernel_root_val().


A default list of arguments for the workload kernel.

get_default_kernel_root_val(disk_image: DiskImageResource) str

Get the default kernel root value to be passed to the kernel. This is determined by the user-passed or board-default disk_device, and the disk image partition obtained from get_disk_root_partition().


disk_image – The disk image to be added to the system.


The default value for the root argument to be passed to the kernel.

abstract get_disk_device() str

Set a default disk device, in case user does not specify a disk device.


The disk device.

get_disk_root_partition(disk_image: DiskImageResource) str | None

Obtains the root partition of a disk image by inspecting the resource’s metadata.


The disk image’s root partition.

set_binary_to_run(application: BinaryResource, args: List[str])

Set the binary to run on the board.

The binary could be an application or any executable script. Note: this will override the readfile or readfile_contents set in the set_kernel_disk_workload function.

  • application – The binary to run.

  • args – The arguments to pass to the binary.

set_kernel_disk_workload(kernel: KernelResource, disk_image: DiskImageResource, bootloader: BootloaderResource | None = None, disk_device: str | None = None, readfile: str | None = None, readfile_contents: str | None = None, kernel_args: List[str] | None = None, exit_on_work_items: bool = True, checkpoint: Path | CheckpointResource | None = None) None

This function allows the setting of a full-system run with a Kernel and a disk image.

  • kernel – The kernel to boot.

  • disk_image – The disk image to mount.

  • bootloader – The current implementation of the ARM board requires three resources to operate – kernel, disk image, and, a bootloader.

  • readfile – An optional parameter stating the file to be read by by m5 readfile.

  • readfile_contents – An optional parameter stating the contents of the readfile file. If set with readfile, the contents of readfile will be overwritten with readfile_contents, otherwise a new file will be created with the value of readfile_contents.

  • kernel_args – An optional parameter for setting arguments to be passed to the kernel. By default set to get_default_kernel_args().

  • exit_on_work_items – Whether the simulation should exit on work items. True by default.

  • checkpoint – The checkpoint directory. Used to restore the simulation to that checkpoint.