gem5.components.cachehierarchies.ruby.mesi_two_level_cache_hierarchy module

class gem5.components.cachehierarchies.ruby.mesi_two_level_cache_hierarchy.MESITwoLevelCacheHierarchy(l1i_size: str, l1i_assoc: str, l1d_size: str, l1d_assoc: str, l2_size: str, l2_assoc: str, num_l2_banks: int)

Bases: AbstractRubyCacheHierarchy, AbstractTwoLevelCacheHierarchy

A two level private L1 shared L2 MESI hierarchy.

In addition to the normal two level parameters, you can also change the number of L2 banks in this protocol.

The on-chip network is a point-to-point all-to-all simple network.

abstract = False
cxx_exports = []
cxx_extra_bases = []
cxx_param_exports = []
cxx_template_params = []

Returns the coherence protocol used in the cache hierarchy.


The coherence protocol used in the cache hierarchy.

incorporate_cache(board: AbstractBoard) None

Incorporates the caches into a board.

Each specific hierarchy needs to implement this function and will be unique for each setup.


board – The board in which the cache heirarchy is to be incorporated.