last edited: 2025-03-11 08:21:24 +0000

Statistics APIs


  1. General Statistics Functions
  2. Stats::Group - Statistics Container
  3. Stats Flags
  4. Statistic Classes
  5. Appendix: Migrating to the new style of tracking statistics

General Statistics Functions

Function signatures Descriptions
void Stats::dump() Dump all stats to registered outputs, e.g. stats.txt.
void Stats::reset() Reset stats.

Stats::Group - Statistics Container

Typically, a statistic object can be placed in any SimObject as a class variable. However, a recent update addresses the hierarchical nature of SimObject ‘s in gem5, which in turns makes the statistics of the objects hierarchical. The update introduces the Stats::Group class, which is a statistics container and is aware of the hierarchical structure of SimObject’s. Ideally, this container should contain all stats in a SimObject.

Note: If you decide to use a Stats::Group struct inside of a SimObject, there are typically two ways of doing this:

Stats::Group macros

#define ADD_STAT(n, ...) n(this, # n, __VA_ARGS__)

Convenience macro to add a stat to a statistics group.

This macro is used to add a stat to a Stats::Group in the initilization list in the Group’s constructor. The macro automatically assigns the stat to the current group and gives it the same name as in the class. For example:

struct MyStats : public Stats::Group
    Stats::Scalar scalar0;
    Stats::Scalar scalar1;

    MyStats(Stats::Group *parent)
        : Stats::Group(parent),
          ADD_STAT(scalar0, "Description of scalar0"),       // equivalent to scalar0(this, "scalar0", "Description of scalar0"), where scalar0 has the follwing constructor
                                                             // Stats::Scalar(Group *parent = nullptr, const char *name = nullptr, const char *desc = nullptr)
          scalar1(this, "scalar1", "Description of scalar1")

Stats::Group functions

Group(Group *parent, const char *name = nullptr)

Construct a new statistics group.

The constructor takes two parameters, a parent and a name. The parent group should typically be specified. However, there are special cases where the parent group may be null. One such special case is SimObjects where the Python code performs late binding of the group parent.

If the name parameter is NULL, the group gets merged into the parent group instead of creating a sub-group. Stats belonging to a merged group behave as if they have been added directly to the parent group.

virtual void regStats()

Callback to set stat parameters.

This callback is typically used for complex stats (e.g., distributions) that need parameters in addition to a name and a description. In the case stats objects cannot be initilalized in the constructor (such as the stats that keep track of the bus masters, which only can be discovered after the entire system is instantiated). Stat names and descriptions should typically be set from the constructor using the ADD_STAT macro.

virtual void resetStats()

Callback to reset stats.

virtual void preDumpStats()

Callback before stats are dumped. This can be overridden by objects that need to perform calculations in addition to the capabiltiies implemented in the stat framework.

void addStat(Stats::Info *info)

Register a stat with this group. This method is normally called automatically when a stat is instantiated.

const std::map<std::string, Group *> &getStatGroups() const

Get all child groups associated with this object.

const std::vector<Info *> &getStats() const

Get all stats associated with this object.

void addStatGroup(const char *name, Group *block)

Add a stat block as a child of this block.

This method may only be called from a Group constructor or from regStats. It’s typically only called explicitly from Python when setting up the SimObject hierarchy.

const Info * resolveStat(std::string name) const

Resolve a stat by its name within this group.

This method goes through the stats in this group and sub-groups and returns a pointer to the the stat that matches the provided name. The input name has to be relative to the name of this group.

For example, if this group is the SimObject system.bigCluster.cpus and we want the stat system.bigCluster.cpus.ipc, the input param should be the string “ipc”.

Stats Flags

Flags Descriptions
Stats::none Nothing extra to print.
Stats::total Print the total.
Stats::pdf Print the percent of the total that this entry represents.
Stats::cdf Print the cumulative percentage of total upto this entry.
Stats::dist Print the distribution.
Stats::nozero Don’t print if this is zero.
Stats::nonan Don’t print if this is NAN
Stats::oneline Print all values on a single line. Useful only for histograms.

Note: even though the flags Stats::init and Stats::display are available, the flags are not allowed to be set by users.

Statistics Classes

Class names Descriptions
Stats::Scalar Simple scalar statistic.
Stats::Average A statistic that calculate the PER TICK average of a value.
Stats::Value Similar to Stats::Scalar.
Stats::Vector A vector of scalar statistics.
Stats::AverageVector A vector of average statistics.
Stats::Vector2d A 2D vector of scalar statistics.
Stats::Distribution A simple distribution statistic (having convinient min, max sum, etc.).
Stats::Histogram A simple histogram statistic (keeping the frequencies of equally-splitted continuous ranges).
Stats::SparseHistogram Keeps the frequency / histogram of a collection of discrete values.
Stats::StandardDeviation Calculates the mean and variance of all samples.
Stats::AverageDeviation Calculates per tick mean and variance of samples.
Stats::VectorDistribution A vector of distributions.
Stats::VectorStandardDeviation A vector of standard deviation statistics.
Stats::VectorAverageDeviation A vector of average deviation statistics.
Stats::Formula Keeps the statistic involving arithmetics of multiple stats objects.

Note: Stats::Average only calculates the average of a scalar over the number of simulated ticks. In order to get the average of quantity A over quantity B, Stats::Formula can be utilized. For example,

Stats::Scalar totalReadLatency;
Stats::Scalar numReads;
Stats::Formula averageReadLatency = totalReadLatency/numReads;

Common statistic functions

Function signatures Descriptions
StatClass name(const std::string &name) sets the statistic name, marks the stats to be printed
StatClass desc(const std::string &_desc) sets the description for the statistic
StatClass precision(int _precision) sets the precision of the statistic
StatClass flags(Flags _flags) sets the flags
StatClass prereq(const Stat &prereq) sets the prerequisite stat


Storing a signed integer statistic.

Function signatures Descriptions
void operator++() increments the stat by 1 // prefix ++, e.g. ++scalar
void operator--() decrements the stat by 1 // prefix –
void operator++(int) increments the stat by 1 // postfix ++, e.g. scalar++
void operator--(int) decrements the stat by 1 // postfix –
template <typename U> void operator=(const U &v) sets the scalar to the given value
template <typename U> void operator+=(const U &v) increments the stat by the given value
template <typename U> void operator-=(const U &v) decrements the stat by the given value
size_type size() returns 1
Counter value() returns the current value of the stat as an integer
Counter value() const returns the current value of the stat as an integer
Result result() returns the current value of the stat as a double
Result total() returns the current value of the stat as a double
bool zero() returns true if the stat equals to zero, returns false otherwise
void reset() resets the stat to 0


Storing an average of an integer quantity, supposely A, over the number of simulated ticks. The quantity A keeps the same value across all ticks after its latest update and before the next update. Note: the number of simulated ticks is reset when the user calls Stats::reset().

Function signatures Descriptions
void set(Counter val) sets the quantity A to the given value
void inc(Counter val) increments the quantity A by the given value
void dec(Counter val) decrements the quantity A by the given value
Counter value() returns the current value of A as an integer
Result result() returns the current average as a double
bool zero() returns true if the average equals to zero, returns false otherwise
void reset(Info \*info) keeps the current value of A, does not count the value of A before the current tick


Storing a signed integer statistic that is either an integer or an integer that is a result from calling a function or an object’s method.

Function signatures Descriptions
Counter value() returns the value as an integer
Result result() const returns the value as a double
Result total() const returns the value as a double
size_type size() const returns 1
bool zero() const returns true if the value is zero, returns false otherwise


Storing an array of scalar statistics where each element of the vector has function signatures similar to those of Stats::Scalar.

Function signatures Descriptions
Derived & init(size_type size) initializes the vector to the given size (throws an error if attempting to resize an initilized vector)
Derived & subname(off_type index, const std::string &name) adds a name to the statistic at the given index
Derived & subdesc(off_type index, const std::string &desc) adds a description to the statistic at the given index
void value(VCounter &vec) const copies the vector of statistics to the given vector of integers
void result(VResult &vec) const copies the vector of statistics to the given vector of doubles
Result total() const returns the sum of all statistics in the vector as a double
size_type size() const returns the size of the vector
bool zero() const returns true if each statistic in the vector is 0, returns false otherwise
operator[](off_type index) gets the reference to the statistic at the given index, e.g. vecStats[1]+=9


Storing an array of average statistics where each element of the vector has function signatures similar to those of Stats::Average.

Function signatures Descriptions
Derived & init(size_type size) initializes the vector to the given size (throws an error if attempting to resize an initilized vector)
Derived & subname(off_type index, const std::string &name) adds a name to the statistic at the given index
Derived & subdesc(off_type index, const std::string &desc) adds a description to the statistic at the given index
void value(VCounter &vec) const copies the vector of statistics to the given vector of integers
void result(VResult &vec) const copies the vector of statistics to the given vector of doubles
Result total() const returns the sum of all statistics in the vector as a double
size_type size() const returns the size of the vector
bool zero() const returns true if each statistic in the vector is 0, returns false otherwise
operator[](off_type index) gets the reference to the statistic at the given index, e.g. avgStats[1].set(9)


Storing a 2-dimensional array of scalar statistics, where each element of the array has function signatures similar to those of Stats::Scalar. This data structure assumes all elements whose the same second dimension index has the same name.

Function signatures Descriptions
Derived & init(size_type _x, size_type _y) initializes the vector to the given size (throws an error if attempting to resize an initilized vector)
Derived & ysubname(off_type index, const std::string &subname) sets subname as the name of the statistics of elements whose the second dimension of index
Derived & ysubnames(const char **names) similar to ysubname() above, but sets name for all indices of the second dimension
std::string ysubname(off_type i) const returns the name of the statistics of elements whose the second dimension of i
size_type size() const returns the number of elements in the array
bool zero() returns true if the element at row 0 column 0 equals to 0, returns false otherwise
Result total() returns the sum of all elements as a double
void reset() sets each element in the array to 0
operator[](off_type index) gets the reference to the statistic at the given index, e.g. vecStats[1][2]+=9


Storing a distribution of a quantity. The statistics of the distribution include,

Function signatures Descriptions
Distribution & init(Counter min, Counter max, Counter bkt) initializes the distribution where min is the minimum value being tracked by the distribution’s histogram, max is the minimum value being tracked by the distribution’s histogram, and bkt is the number of values in each bucket
void sample(Counter val, int number) adds val to the distribution number times
size_type size() const returns the number of bucket in the distribution
bool zero() const returns true if the number of samples is zero, returns false otherwise
void reset(Info *info) discards all samples
add(DistBase &) merges the samples from another Stats class with DistBase (e.g. Stats::Histogram)


Storing a histogram of a quantity given the number of buckets. All buckets are equally sized. Different from the histogram of Stats::Distribution which keeps track of the samples in a specific range, Stats::Histogram keeps track of all samples in its histogram. Also, while Stats::Distribution is parameterized by the number of values in a bucket, Stats::Histogram’s sole parameter is the number of buckets. When a new sample is outside of the current range of all all buckets, the buckets will be resized. Roughly, two consecutive buckets will be merged until the new sample is inside one of the buckets.

Other than the histogram itself, the statistics of the distribution include,

Function signatures Descriptions
Histogram & init(size_type size) initializes the histogram, sets the number of buckets to size
void sample(Counter val, int number) adds val to the histogram number times
void add(HistStor *) merges another histogram to this histogram
size_type size() const returns the number of buckets
bool zero() const returns true if the number of samples is zero, returns false otherwise
void reset(Info *info) discards all samples


Storing a histogram of a quantity given a set of integral values.

Function signatures Descriptions
template <typename U> void sample(const U &v, int n = 1) adds v to the histogram n times
size_type size() const returns the number of entries
bool zero() const returns true if the number of samples is zero, returns false otherwise
void reset() discards all samples


Keeps track of the standard deviation of a sample.

Function signatures Descriptions
void sample(Counter val, int number) adds val to the distribution number times
size_type size() const returns 1
bool zeros() const discards all samples
add(DistBase &) merges the samples from another Stats class with DistBase (e.g. Stats::Distribution


Keeps track of the average deviation of a sample.

Function signatures Descriptions
void sample(Counter val, int number) adds val to the distribution number times
size_type size() const returns 1
bool zeros() const discards all samples
add(DistBase &) merges the samples from another Stats class with DistBase (e.g. Stats::Distribution


Storing a vector of distributions where each element of the vector has function signatures similar to those of Stats::Distribution.

Function signatures Descriptions
VectorDistribution & init(size_type size, Counter min, Counter max, Counter bkt) initializes a vector of size distributions where min is the minimum value being tracked by each distribution’s histogram, max is the minimum value being tracked by each distribution’s histogram, and bkt is each distribution’s the number of values in each bucket
Derived & subname(off_type index, const std::string &name) adds a name to the statistic at the given index
Derived & subdesc(off_type index, const std::string &desc) adds a description to the statistic at the given index
size_type size() const returns the number of elements in the vector
bool zero() const returns true if each of distributions has 0 samples, return false otherwise
operator[](off_type index) gets the reference to the distribution at the given index, e.g. dists[1].sample(2,3)


Storing a vector of standard deviations where each element of the vector has function signatures similar to those of Stats::StandardDeviation.

Function signatures Descriptions
VectorStandardDeviation & init(size_type size) initializes a vector of size standard deviations
Derived & subname(off_type index, const std::string &name) adds a name to the statistic at the given index
Derived & subdesc(off_type index, const std::string &desc) adds a description to the statistic at the given index
size_type size() const returns the number of elements in the vector
bool zero() const returns true if each of distributions has 0 samples, return false otherwise
operator[](off_type index) gets the reference to the standard deviation at the given index, e.g. dists[1].sample(2,3)


Storing a vector of average deviations where each element of the vector has function signatures similar to those of Stats::AverageDeviation.

Function signatures Descriptions
VectorAverageDeviation & init(size_type size) initializes a vector of size average deviations
Derived & subname(off_type index, const std::string &name) adds a name to the statistic at the given index
Derived & subdesc(off_type index, const std::string &desc) adds a description to the statistic at the given index
size_type size() const returns the number of elements in the vector
bool zero() const returns true if each of distributions has 0 samples, return false otherwise
operator[](off_type index) gets the reference to the average deviation at the given index, e.g. dists[1].sample(2,3)


Storing a statistic that is a result of a series of arithmetic operations on Stats objects. Note that, in the following function, Temp could be any of Stats class holding statistics (including vector statistics), a formula, or a number (, double, 1.2).

Function signatures Descriptions
const Formula &operator=(const Temp &r) assigns an uninitialized Stats::Formula to the given root
const Formula &operator=(const T &v) assigns the formula to a statistic or another formula or a number
const Formula &operator+=(Temp r) adds to the current formula a statistic or another formula or a number
const Formula &operator/=(Temp r) divides the current formula by a statistic or another formula or a number
void result(VResult &vec) const assigns the evaluation of the formula to the given vector; if the formula does not have a vector component (none of the variables in the formula is a vector), then the vector size is 1
Result total() const returns the evaluation of the Stats::Formula as a double; if the formula does have a vector component (one of the variables in the formula is a vector), then the vector is turned in to a scalar by setting it to the sum all elements in the vector
size_type size() const returns 1 if the root element is not a vector, returns the size of the vector otherwise
bool zero() returns true if all elements in result() are 0’s, returns false otherwise

An example of using Stats::Formula,

Stats::Scalar totalReadLatency;
Stats::Scalar numReads;
Stats::Formula averageReadLatency = totalReadLatency/numReads;

Appendix. Migrating to the new style of tracking statistics

A new style of tracking statistics

gem5 statistics have a flat structure that are not aware of the hierarchical structure of SimObject, which usually contains stat objects. This causes the problem of different stats having the same name, and more importantly, it was not trivial to manipulating the structure of gem5 statistics. Also, gem5 did not offer a way to group a collection of stat objects into different groups, which is important to maintain a large number of stat objects.

A recent commit introduces Stats::Group, a structure intended to keep all statistics belong to an object. The new structure offers an explicit way to reflect the hierarchical nature of SimObject Stats::Group also makes it more explicit and easier to maintain a large set of Stats objects that should be grouped into different collections as one can make several Stats::Group’s in a SimObject and merges them to the SimObject, which is also a Stats::Group that is aware of its children Stats::Group’s.

Generally, this is a step towards a more structured Stats format, which should facilitate the process of manipulating the overall structure of statistics in gem5, such as filtering out statistics and producing Stats to more standardized formats such as JSON and XML, which, in turns, have an enormous amount of supported libraries in a variety of programming languages.

Migrating to the new style of tracking statistics

Notes: Migrating to the new style is highly encouraged; however, the legacy style of statistics (i.e. the one with a flat structure) is still supported.

This guide provides a broad look of how to migrate to the new style of gem5 statistics tracking, as well as points out some concrete examples showing how it is being done.


ADD_STAT is a macro defined as,

#define ADD_STAT(n, ...) n(this, # n, __VA_ARGS__)

This macro is intended to be used in Stats::Group constructors to initilize a Stats object. In other words, ADD_STAT is an alias for caling Stats object constructors. For example, ADD_STAT(stat_name, stat_desc) is the same as,

  stat_name.parent = the `Stats::Group` where stat_name is defined = "stat_name"
  stat_name.desc = "stat_desc"

This is applicable for most of Stats data types with an exception that for Stats::Formula, the macro ADD_STAT can handle an optional parameter specifying the formula. For example, ADD_STAT(ips, "Instructions per Second", n_instructions/sim_seconds).

An example use case of ADD_STAT (and we refer to this example as “Example 1” throughout this section). This example is also served as a template of constructing a Stats::Group struct.

        // Defining the a stat group
        struct StatGroup : public Stats::Group
            StatGroup(Stats::Group *parent); // constructor
            Stats::Histogram histogram;
            Stats::Scalar scalar;
            Stats::Formula formula;
        } stats;

    // Defining the declared constructor
    StatGroup::StatGroup(Stats::Group *parent)
      : Stats::Group(parent),                           // initilizing the base class
        ADD_STAT(histogram, "A useful histogram"),
        scalar(this, "scalar", "A number"),             // this is the same as ADD_STAT(scalar, "A number")
        ADD_STAT(formula, "A formula", scalar1/scalar2)
          .flags(condition ? 1 : 0);

Moving to the new style

Those are concrete examples of converting stats to the new style: here, here and here.

Moving stats to the new style involves:

Some examples,