gem5.simulate.exit_event module

class gem5.simulate.exit_event.ExitEvent(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

An enum class holding all the supported simulator exit events.

The simulator will exit in certain conditions. The simulate package has been designed to categorize these into sensible states of exit, listed below.

CHECKPOINT = 'checkpoint'
EXIT = 'exit'
FAIL = 'fail'
KERNEL_OOPS = 'kernel oops in simulated system'
KERNEL_PANIC = 'kernel panic in simulated system'
MAX_INSTS = 'number of instructions reached'
MAX_TICK = 'max tick'
PERF_COUNTER_DISABLE = 'performance counter disabled'
PERF_COUNTER_ENABLE = 'performance counter enabled'
PERF_COUNTER_INTERRUPT = 'performance counter interrupt'
PERF_COUNTER_RESET = 'performance counter reset'
SCHEDULED_TICK = 'scheduled tick exit'
SIMPOINT_BEGIN = 'simpoint begins'
SPATTER_EXIT = 'spatter exit'
SWITCHCPU = 'switchcpu'
USER_INTERRUPT = 'user interupt'
WORKBEGIN = 'workbegin'
WORKEND = 'workend'
classmethod translate_exit_status(exit_string: str) ExitEvent

This function will translate common exit strings to their correct ExitEvent categorization.


At present, we do not guarantee this list is complete, as there are no bounds on what string may be returned by the simulator given an exit event.